Teacher's Guide
The purpose of these theory books for the teacher and the learner is to assess the learner's knowledge of the theory underlying and underpinning the practical application of end-user computer programs and operating systems. This new edition of the book previously known as 'Operational Knowledge' is based on the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) that came into effect for Grade 10 in 2012, in Grade 11 in 2013 and will be implemented in Grade 12 in 2014.
CAT Theory: Tasks to Tackle provides the Computer Applications Technology teacher with copyright-free tasks that can be used in the classroom for additional practice, revision and tests. The teacher's book is therefore meant to be used by the teacher and is not meant for distribution to the learners. The learner's workbook gives the learner many tasks, which will help him/her prepare for tests and examinations (Paper 2). Solutions are provided at the back of the learner's book, which makes the book most suitable for self-study purposes.
The tasks in the Grade 11 books have been divided into the main sections as set out in CAPS, viz. Systems Technologies; Network and Internet Technologies; Social Implications; Solution Development (software applications including Word, Excel, Access and HTML).
- Tasks are included under the sub-topics appearing in these main sections, allowing the user to select a suitable task from the group of tasks in a specific sub-section.
- The main thrust of the books is that of objective-style assessment, i.e. multiple choice, match the columns, missing words, etc. It is assumed that learners will answer the questions in written format. The teacher's book is accompanied by a CD containing the solutions to the tasks.
- New technology is introduced by using source-based questions.